
Why Paddho ?

Developing quality of rural education in India

Do you believe technology has the power to shape a better future?

Although the rapid digitization of the world has made lives of rural people immensely easier. Today rural people are not far behind from urban people in respect to digital commodities and communication. But still they are not having the best human resources in their locality whether it is education, healthcare etc. The best is always available in metro cities and towns.

That is the main challenges for upcoming talents in rural people. Finding the best opportunity, resources is always a challenge for them while building their career.

To bridge the gap, PaddhO community is striving his total committed effort to provide best training resources in a best equipped environment to rural upcoming talents so that they will not be far behind from urban people in competition.

Even though there are organizations, multiple NGOs, working to solve these issues, they are not entirely successful due to the lack of resources, reach, or efficiency. In such a scenario, we from PaddhO community can have an immense impact in development of rural education ranging from child`s career assessment to appointment letter from a company. And this drives our mission.

We strongly believe that…

Although future lies in technological advancement, progress lies in the usage of technologies for addressing issues that are gripping our society.